Tag Archives: About Japan

The DORAEMON Exhibition Tokyo 2017

domaemon 2017

Doraemon must be one of the most popular cat in Japan. He is a robot traveled from our future. Doraemon and his special gadgets from his “4th dimensional pocket” have saved Nobi Nobita and company and have always made us feel “if Doraemon is here with me…” every time we face a difficulty! Every Japanese child has grown up with Doraemon since ’70s but Doraemon is missed after we grow up. A number of famous modern artists therefore gathered for an act to “Create Your Own Original Doraemon” and will hold a unique exhibition at Roppongi Hills this autumn. From the official site: Organized under this concept, 28 artists and […]

Do you miss Takoyaki? You can make it at home!

delish kitchen

Takoyaki is one of unique and popular Japanese savory snacks. It does not look possible to cook at home especially outside of Japan without proper tools. Fear not! You can! Our recommending Japanese recipe site, DELISH KITCHEN will tell you how to make one easily! Takoyaki is a flour based snack in the shape of balls containing pieces of octopus, red pickled ginger, Agedama, which is a kind of couton, eggs and served with brown sauce. It tastes similar to Okonomiyaki. Both Takoyaki and Okonomiyaki came from Kansai such as Osaka. Takoyaki is traditionally served at a stall during a festival. However, due to its popularity, Takoyaki has become available […]

Where to stay in Japan more than a year. Why not rent a Social Apartment?

social apartment

There seem to be a lot of different long term accommodations to choose from in Japan these days. If you are looking for something unique and different and wishing to make friends or socialize with other tenants at the same time, a new style of apartment, “Social Apartment” may be the answer. The rooms are rather small with private bath/toilet and a compact kitchen but they look modern and sophisticated. The rent may not be super cheap but reasonable and conveniently located. Some are in the mid-centre, some attached with a laundry and a fashionable cafe, but all has a community lounge to socialize with others. If you need to […]

Hokusai – Ukiyo-e artist Special Exhibition at ABENO HARUKAS Art Museum

Hokusai Katsushika

One of the most popular Ukiyo-e airtists, HOKUSAI KATSUSHIKA is best known with “The Great Wave of kanagawa”. A special exhibition is held at the tallest building of Japan, ABENO HARUKAS, Osaka from October 6 to November 19 2017. Hokusai was an Ukiyo-e artist of rare talent who influenced Van Gough and Monet. The “Thirty-Six Views of Mount Fuji” will be used for the new passport, and Hokusai is becoming a symbol of Japan. The exhibition will focus on his original drawings from the last 30 years of his life, after reaching the age of 60, and investigate the world he sought and depicted until he was 90. (Abeno Harukas […]

KINKOKAKU – a secret hideout Ryokan in TOKYO

Japanese Ryokan

Do you prefer to stay in a Western style hotel or in a very unique place that you can never experience other than Japan? please give a thought for staying at a “Ryokan”, a Japanese classic and traditional style accommodation. You can in fact stay at a Ryokan even in a big city like Tokyo. Our recommendation is KINKOKAKU, in Akiruno-Shi. What is special about this place is that all their rooms are detached individual rooms like small houses. They have 5 different rooms/houses accommodating minimum 2 people maximum 8 people in one room. 3 of these rooms are location in front of River Akikawa. You would not believe this […]

How to cook Japanese dish easily and quickly

Delish Kitchen

Do you know the Japanese recipe site called “DELISH KITCHEN”? It is our favorite recipe site. It is very intuitive and easy to follow each procedure. If you have most of the ingredients, which are usually very common ingredients for any Japanese households, you can make a quick dish so easily with them. Even if you do not have all the ingredients, you can adapt the ideas or arrange it for your own dish. I tried this recipe this weekend, “Mentai mayonaise Imo Mochi”. Mentai is spicy cod roe, but I substituted it with pickles. Imo is potatoes. Mochi is rice paste, but you do not need it. All you […]

Do you miss Japanese rice?

Japanese rice

A lot of different types of rice is grown all over the world. Some are very similar to Japanese rice, but to be honest, not quite the same at all! It is only plain rice but you wouldn’t deny that Japanese rice is unique and totally different from others. Not to mention it plays such an important role in Japanese cooking and dish. There are absolutely no substitutes for it. Unfortunately, we, Omotenashi Japan do not have the official license to export Japanese rice to overseas. But we will always find out an alternative way to meet your needs!! We would herewith like to introduce some Japanese rice stockists who […]

Japanese Soba Noodles TSUTA

Japanese ramen shop Tsuta

Japanese Soba Noodles 蔦 (TSUTA) is the first Ramen shop/restaurant starred by Michelin Guide (2016). The most popular Ramen is Shoyu Ramen (Soy sauce based soup Ramen). 80% of their regular customers order this dish. Opening hours: 11:30-16:00 (Average waiting time is 60-120 minutes) Closed: Tuesday, Wednesday  *Tuesday: Miso Ramen only Website: //ameblo.jp/yuki-onishi/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/jsn.tsuta Due to the overwhelming popularity since awarded by Michelin, they might have to move to a new location during the year of 2016.